My sweet sister and I just returned from a life-changing experience at Melissa Lyon’s Creative Weekend @melissalyonsart. God blessed our trip immensely from beginning to end. We met the most amazing women, and together with Melissa, we felt like family! Throughout the weekend, Melissa spoke God’s truth over us and our art, and we celebrated the great promises He has made for us. She touched our lives and changed our hearts, and we are better for it.
This weekend wasn’t an acrylic painting workshop. For me, it was less about painting and more about releasing doubt, fear, and worry to simplify the expectations I set for myself. As I painted a simple 6-stroke brown door, Melissa spoke Revelation 3:20 over me. She helped me understand God’s symbolism in it. He stands at the door of our hearts and knocks. It’s up to me to shake off my insecurities, open the door, and walk through it with Him. Simple.
Today as I reflect on this amazing weekend with my precious sister Diana @dianacurtisart and the other wonderful women, I choose to believe that I am who God says I am! I will paint with the freedom he has given me and allow my art to return the praises due Him. Thank you, Melissa Lyons, for speaking God’s truth into each one of us. May our artistic endeavors always reflect our great love and thankfulness for all Christ has done for us. I am forever changed!
Vicki Lawrence