all believers know to look to Israel in bible prophecy. Israel is Gods time clock for the end of days. He essentially pressed pause on Israel when the church was formed and soon he will press pause on the church and GO on Israel when the rapture of the church happens and the 7 year tribulation begins.
One important key to bible prophecy is the building of the third temple . This is the temple that eventually, the Antichrist will stand in and declare himself to be God. But for now, the Jews believe that their messiah is coming, he is the actual Antichrist . Jesus is our Messiah and that will be revealed to the unbelieving Jews during the tribulation.
recently, Israel has not been able to form a government, the last four trys. Have you heard of the Rabbi Kaduri prophecy about the two Bejamans not being able to form a government and then soon the messiah would be revealed? Just wow. This rabbi was a kabal following Jew who at the end of his life revealed that Jesus was the messiah. you should read about it, its incredible. Just research " Rabi Kaduri prohecy"
anyways, since Israel can not form a government, this new candidate Naftali Bennet may be taking over and he is stated as saying " this is the era of the third temple. "
Get ready folks! We fly soon!
1 Thessalonians 4:17